Friday, March 16, 2012


Everyone has an idea of what they look like, who they are.  How they believe God sees them.  How they see themselves... But how does God REALLY see you?   No matter what you have done, don't forget that God loves you more than you can ever understand.  Sometimes, the hardest battle is aligning our thoughts with God's thoughts.  His thoughts about us, and who we are.  So start trying to align your thoughts with His.  And see what happens.

It's about time you understand how you appear to him, even if you don't see it yourself.

Dirty. Filthy. Soiled. Stained.
Broken. Despondent. Fractured. Disdained.
Aware of the inadequacies that lie within
Hating the frequency with which I sin.
These chains that seem so hard to break
The wrong choices  I constantly make.

But Clean. Purified. That’s what You say
Renewed. Repaired. My sin washed away.
Valued with a price so high
You sent Your only Son to die.
A slave no more You set me free
And broke these chains surrounding me.

Chosen. Called. And dare I say it?
Loved! Adored! You call me Your favorite.
You say my adequacy is found in You
And not determined by the things I do. 

Author unknown.  
Read it.
Believe it.
Live it.

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