Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God's Mind and You

To those of you who dare to read this, be ready to consider carefully what I am about to write, and be blessed by it. :)

Today's Ponder:

First.  Ponder God.  How big is the CREATOR of the ENTIRE universe? How BIG is He?

Then, once awed by that thought, continue reading.

Second. According to Psalm 115:12, "The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us;"  Break this down smaller.  Mindful = inclined to be aware; bearing in mind. AKA.  God's mind is FULL of is.

According to scientific studies, humans only use a certain percentage of their brain, and yet, look at how full our minds are.  When thinking of the enormous God who created everything we can possibly imagine, designed each living thing so intricately...Again, how big is he?  What is the capacity of His mind, which knows no limitations?

I said all of this, to ask you this:

How many thoughts of YOU does it take to FILL God's mind?  

Based on the evidence written above...this is a valid question.


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